Thursday, December 29, 2016

Alamo Bowl

I scored a new lens with my Christmas money and had a fun excuse to take it out and practice today since our CU Buffs are in town for the Alamo Bowl. Nathan's parents are here with our nephew Brayden, so we all went down to a pre-game party (we didn't lay down the cash for the actual game) and enjoyed the Riverwalk while we were at it. It was a really funny combination of our life experiences over the last 7 years being surrounded by Buff fans in all-out gear downtown, snapping a picture with Chip next the the Tower of Americas, and randomly joining into the fight song as we walked along the river. Personally I couldn't get over how perfect the evening was for the 4 of us. Now we are in the comfort of our apartment watching them get pummeled...just like old times. I'm becoming more and more positive that having our family within 100 miles of the team must bring them bad luck. Sorry Buffs but welcome to San Antonio anyhow!

1 comment:

  1. This is an amazing picture!

    The clarity and detail is so good when I downloaded the original I displayed the boy life size and he appeared to be directly in front of me and I got a big kick out of that! I sat there for the longest checking him out and admiring every little feature and detail. I thought to myself, "you sure look gorgeous and I love your good looks!" The next thing I knew I leaned close to this little beauty and and my tongue flickered out and began caressing his lips! The display is like really warm and silky smooth and I was like OMG! It seemed like he came to life and I was really caressing his lips with my tongue. I was beside myself. It was absolutely incredible so I began gently kissing his lips and mouth and couldn't believe how much fun and how enjoyable the experience was! I saved the picture!
